Laminated foils for non-food

  • PET-Food (cat, dog, bird and fish food)
  • laundry and cleaning detergents
  • chemical products (silicone, grease, paste)

  • tissue packaging
  • technical applications
  • further applications

JG Service Verbundfolien für Non-Food

Protection in every respect

We manufacture tailor-made packaging solutions for your composite films with various barrier options:

JG Service Barriereschutz - Wasserdampf

water vapor barrier

JG Service Barriereschutz - Sauerstoff

oxygen barrier

JG Service Barriereschutz - Minearalöl

mineral oil barrier

Foil combinations

Most foils are suitable for frontal & reverse printing.

Folienkombination JG ONE PP
Folienkombination JG ONE PE

Large variety in foil combinations

different barrier properties

surfaces in matt, transparent,
metallised optic, e.g.

Finishing with special paints

cold seal laquers

heat seal laquers

functional laquers

feel laquers